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Bitfinex volume issue


For about month Bitfinex volume was reported incorrectly. It was about twice the size it should be. The issue is fixed now.

On 2015-11-04 (according to my db) Bitfinex started providing different txid through their websocket than through their REST API (they started providing sequence id which is different than trade id in the same field where txid was previously). Because of that (lack of txid conflict), both trades provided through websocket and REST API were added.

In my defense, the change came out of nowhere. It was still the same channel and websocket url. New id started coming in the place where there was previously txid.

In their defense, it is now documented in their API docs, and I was warned that the websocket and it's docs are beta when I got them. They also were very helpful when they were implementing their websocket.

I updated historical volume. The issue is resolved now (I didn't yet get in touch with Bitfinex, but it is weekend, I used some workaround to be able to still provide realtime trades).

I'm really sorry about this screw up. Given the nature if bitcoinity, accuracy of reported data is number one on my list. I'll try my best to avoid things like that in the future, but it was a bit hard to catch.